Since the time SwiftUI was released, I was looking forward to having a deep dive into SwiftUI’s animation APIs. While working on an authenticator app, I badly wanted to design a countdown timer for my need and this became really challenging due to a lack of animation knowledge with SwiftUI even after having solid 12 years of iOS development experience.

After the introduction of SwiftUI, the time developers took to create apps dramatically decreased. On the other hand, the look and feel of the apps improved massively. One important part of the look and feel comes from the interaction between the users’ eye and the app which was accomplished effectively through the animation part of it.

As Apple engineers always emphasize in the WWDC videos, the app has to interact with the user to transfer the information effectively.

I developed a weather app and a 2D board game during my free time but they haven’t been released mainly because of the missing animation part. We cannot imagine such apps without proper animation because animation is the soul of those none business logic apps. Fortunately, at this time I got the book Animating SwiftUI Applications by Stephen Destefano in my hand. His book includes all that I was searching for and will definitely guide me to add the soul to my apps, which I plan to release soon.

Usually, I am choosing my books very carefully because it is my valuable time to spend with and at the end of the day that has to add some skills to my portfolio. First, I care about the author and his qualifications and experiences. Then the level of the book, whether it is too easy for my level or really challenging to travel with. According to my personal opinion, a good book has to cover a big spectrum of readers ranging from beginner to advanced level. The book Animating SwiftUI Applications fulfils my requirements and it starts by warming up the basic SwiftUI knowledge and gliding up by gradually advancing the level. The learning curve of the book is carefully crafted by Stephen Destefano, the author of the book Animating SwiftUI Applications with his several decades of teaching experience and advanced teaching methodologies.

Furthermore, the book covers every advanced topic with dedicated real-world examples for each topic. For example, every Apple watch user is familiar with the breathing app animation and the book illustrates the step-by-step instruction to turn your thought process to create the same and any other desired animation you need.

The book targets readers from the intermediate level to the very advanced. But it doesn’t exclude the beginner with a decent amount of Swift and SwiftUI understanding with some effort.

Basic animation theories are different from programming. This book blends both and trains your brain to understand both at the same time.

Therefore, I recommend this as one of the must-have read books for every Apple platform developer who would like to develop a good look and feel app.

Check it out the book on